Well, they're back. What season is this anyway? 11, 12, 29? I'm confused. I'm also old. When you hear one of the 16 year old contestents say that she's been dreaming of being on this show since she was 6 years old, and that it's all she's ever wanted to do, her whole life... that, my friend is reality check time. She has no concept of a world withOUT American Idol... oi. and vey.
So let's jump right in. Here are your Top 24
Top 12 Boys... Oh, did I skip 1, is there really a Top 13? Oh well, the Gentle Giant is a VERY sweet boy, but a non player in my opinion. (sorry Gentle Giant)
Aaand your Top 24 Girls... (and by the way, it's a good thing American Idol has a lot of money. They're going to need it to keep these girls in the blonde hair dye.) bah-duh-bum-bum, I'll be here all week...
I won't really go into much detail here, as we won't know until later tonight who's staying and who's going, but let's just say after 8 years of recapping this show, I do not usually agree with America, and only 1 time has the person I actually predicted was going to win, actually win. (and that would be Carrie Underwood and now looking back, I don't think that was too difficult and worse that now I don't even like her.)
I will wait until next week to critique and praise the Top 13, but I will tell you, I have my top 10 already and if I had my way, they would be the following...
.......... Chelsea
.......... Elise
.......... Erika
.......... Jen
.......... Jessica
Getting right to the point... I've been known to "not" be the greatest storyteller, as I like to give each and every detail, as to ensure that you can follow along as if you were there yourselves. In fact if I get interrupted while telling a story, I've been known to start all over, since the facts run in my head in a certain pattern and if I can't get it all out the way it's supposed to get out, I go into a tailspin of crazyness. It's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm starting to figure out why they nicknamed me, jill "get to the point" livingston. But, I'm still trying to figure out just who "they" are!
So back to getting right to the point...
Last night's episode of American Idol. There were lots of winners and only a few losers. I guess the losers forgot to drink their Tiger Blood last night.
#winning, duh... (and in the order I liked their performance)
... James impressed me so much last night. He switched it up, sang so lovely, and lost the tail. His skin is flawless and when his eyes aren't squinting they are the prettiest of blue, I am actually beginning to think he's cute. Next week, I may talk about the ears. Or not.
... Casey cleaned up a bit. I think he might even have taken a bath. Does he appear to have also lost some weight? Right on! He is pretty creative, and I think he will go far, but I'm concerned that he may "peak" a bit early and not go all the way. Just a thought. He's very very confident and that could be his demise.
... Pia can sing. She's not a huge favorite of mine, but there is no denying this girl can sing. And she's probably the most beautiful contestant they've ever had. When she's on stage, she does get TL's attention if you get my drift. In fact he's only interested in her. But I wonder if that has less to do with the way she sings and more to do with the way she looks. Hmm.
#losing, duh... (the order does not matter, either of these can go in my opinion and I will be happy.
... Cowboy needs to go. He will be on the top of my list till he's gone. I am dreading the day that somebody I enjoy watching goes home because this guy stays. COME ON AMERICA..! And shame on you Cowboy for singing my all time favorite, Garth and then getting all 3 judges to say they love you. Ick. Double ick.
... Oh Karen, sorry, but Selena is so 1997. Please stop that. Bah-bye. Oh, but you did rock that sparkly pantsuit, can I borrow it sometime?
... Naima, I've been a fan of yours until last night. What the hell was that? The good news is, I don't think you'll ever have to go back to scrubbing toilets. You're good to go, girlfriend.
Well, first of all I seem to have not been listening in class when they mentioned that it was going to go from the Top 24 to the Top 12 all in one week. Wow, now I’m feeling like I wouldn’t mind so much the million+ weeks it would have taken to get us there. I mean, that is straight up scary. Going from 24 to 12 means if one of MY 12 doesn’t make it, they’re done, gone, bah-bye. Sheez.
Now that I’ve had the chance to hear them each sing, I need to (just ever so slightly) adjust my list today, before tonight gets here. And, here goes…
BOYS… To be honest my list is staying the same. I do realize that one of my tops (Tim) didn’t do so well, but I still like him better than all the rest of them… so for tonight these are who I want to see get picked tonight! (and in the order that I liked their performances)
GIRLS… Now, here is where I do need to make some changes. In my defense (Babs) I hadn’t ever really heard 2 of these girls sing before, so I stand corrected, because during last night’s episode I was blown away by a few who I didn’t even know their names… So, here is my new list... (and in the order that I liked their performance)
I thought I'd take this time to comment on a few of them that I don't like and let you in on why it is I don't like them. You know, just for kicks. Hopefully they'll all be gone by this time tomorrow, so it won't really matter, but if for any insane reason they do make it through, you'll know why I'm not happy!
Brett... Is a very sweet boy and can sing, but just too many hairflips and not strong enough against this years crowd. I feel that the judges missed the mark on this one and should have chosen Colton istead.
Rachel... Let me just say that if you've tried out 4 times and then you make it and then you say that you're going to "bring it..!" Then you should actually do that. What the hell was that, and also you seem kind of angry to me and that is not becoming.
Robbie... Nice nosing you.
Jun... can also sing and sing very well actually... but I just didn't like how he acted during Hollywood week and paybacks are a beeotch. And besides the glasses have got to go! But then again he sort of reminds me of Tommy Smyth, whom I ADORRREEE... so if he did happen to make it, I don't think it would be all that bad if he hung for a few weeks.
Ta Tynisa... Ew. And, learn your words.
Scott... NO! This guy has soooo many fooled. He's a poser. Wanna be. Sorry. not. a. fan. He may be the Golden Child of his small town, but beyond the state line, forget about it. Bah-Bye!!
Well, it's that time of year again... No, not do your taxes time, or get out the rake and rake the yard time, it's AMERICAN IDOL TIME. Are you watching? I am. But you aleady knew that. Season 10? whoa.
I've gone on and on, year after year about my likes, dislikes, blah blah blah... But, this year, I'm gonna make it short and sweet... (just like me)
Let me break it down for you... Just last night they announced the Top 24, it took us just about 6+ weeks or so to get here and now we'll have to endure another a million+ weeks to get to the final 12, let alone the top 2, but I'm already there. I'm way ahead of the game people. Not sure what exactly game I'm playing seeing as I'm all alone (except for the times when TL is bored and will sit and watch it with me) in my living room deciding who's good, who's great and who just needs to shut it.
Below is the list I've compiled of "my" top 12. Basically, if any of these 12 win the show I'll be happy. I do have a super-duper favorite, but honestly they really are all good singers and mostly seem to be nice kids, so it's up for grabs this year. Of the 12 I don't really care for, I will definitely keep an open mind as sometimes in ole' great AI style, maybe there are few that I just haven't gotten to know yet or haven't really heard sing as much as I could have to actually put them on the "gotta make it to the end" team. Okay, so here goes.............
These are my top 6 boys... (And just to let you know, my super-duper is a boy, a boy with a beard and who can play the cello and make me think he's sexy even with that beard and chubby cheeks and baggy pants and who just might possibly be even a bit stinky, but I don't care, the boy can sing and is unique and super-duper fun to watch)...
Jacob, James, Casey, and Paul...
Stefano and Tim...
And here are my top 6 girls... And just so you know, I don't really have a super-duper girl, but I am liking a few girls more than others, but mostly because of their personalities and choice of footwear, hello... FIFTEEN YEARS OLD & pink barbie cowboy boots, (Lauren) and for another girls ability to still be that damn happy even when her hair is just really THAT big, fluffy AND brown, (Karen). I say if you can still have a smile on your face while wearing that, or while sporting that crazy hair, you're good in the hood in my book..!
Julie, Naima, Thia Megia, and Lauren...
Pia and Karen...
So, that's about it for now. I might recap in a few weeks or so or I just may go on a total rant if God forbid any one of my Top 12 don't make it to the actual Top 12 (what is wrong with you, America?)
I already have my top 6 singers, and they're only on the top 18. It's going to be a long season. This week, for me it became quite clear who can sing and who can sing well enough that I'm already hunting their songs down on iTunes. I have my clear cut favorites and am hoping they make it through.
On Tuesday night, the girls sang and for the most part it seemed pretty obvious to me who will be going home tonight. It will be any combination of these 3...
This is Paige, Katelyn and Katie and they can all sing, but just aren't clicking with me or the judges for one reason or another. Paige is cute and sweet (blah, blah, blah), but just doesn't know what to do with herself. Katelyn never impressed me from the beginning and I was actually annoyed when she made the top 24. She's darling enough and when she sang my all time favorite song; I Feel the Earth Move Under my Feet by Carol King on Tuesday night, I so wanted to like her. But all I was left saying was, "Huh, that's all you got? I can sing better than that." And, I can't sing. And then there is Katie. Sorry, not a fan. She's boug'ie and reminds me wayyy too much of Katherine McPhee, the boug'iest of them all.
Bye ladies... If it isn't tonight it will be next week. In addition to these 3 the next I'd like to see go is this girl...
Okay, so here's the thing. She can sing, she's sort of unique, and has a cute little folksy voice and lots of range, but can I just ask, "What is with the hair?" ick. No, make that ICK! It's grey. She dies her hair grey. I have just two words, "Walking Dead." As in dead people walking the earth who play the mandolin and sing like Patsy Cline. Who's dead by the way. Just like Lilly's hair. Bye. I was especially annoyed when she sang that Patsy Cline song, this week and did NOT hit it out of the park, but because she was last in the rotation it seemed to me that the judges were rushed to give their critiques, and instead of calling her out on her "Pitchiness" and her all around sort of killing the song, they let her slide through with rave reviews. Now, like I said, she can sing and is unusual enough that she's welcomed to the show just for being different in my book, but between the hair and the deadness of it, she has got to go. Next week better be the last week I am subjected to the grey. (even though it appears that each week she is lightening it to be more of a white as not to appear so dead looking).
As far as who I do like... It's a close race between; Crystal Bowersox (who TL who told me the other night right after she sang, "Yep, I like her because her name is like Crystal Boston Red Sox..." which for some reason just made me laugh out loud, because that IS just something he would say) Lacey, and Siobhan. I'd have to say right now my favorite is Didi. I loved her rendition of Rhiannon, by Fleetwood Mac, I loved. Loved. Go Didi, and besides saying her name is fun. Didi Benami. Try it.
As for the boys... let's just say it's looking pretty bleak. Like I said, this is going to be a long season. I relly only have two favorites. I gave Andrew 3 weeks to blow me away again like he did in the auditions, but he failed. I mean come on, Jeannie in a Bottle? No. Make it go away. Straight up maybe, but not JIAB. He'll make it through, as he built himself a little following and there just aren't enought "other" boys to edge him out, but he will NOT win the whole thing.
But for the rest of them... eh. I am only loving my two originals: Lee and Alex.
No time to post about American Idol this week... But just know that I still like all the key players from last week and even have a few new ones to add to the list. We'll see who "makes it through" tonight and go from there starting next week. But in honor of Ellen being the "newest (prettiest) judge," here's my story about her.
Okay, so this is old news. Like if this was a newspaper article the paper itself would be all yellow and wrinkley like. But, I'm trying to get caught up and this event was worth still talking about...
Raise your hand if you love Ellen... How can you just not love this woman? She is funny as all get out, she's as kind as they come and everyone knows that she can dance. I've been a fan of her show from day one. I tape her show every single day and honestly can't say that I've missed but just a few days since the beginning. I just love her that much. She's a lifter of spirits, and not a mean word ever escapes her mouth. She does so much for others, and especially those in need.
Last month In January, we got to go and see her show taped live... I've been trying to get tickets for 2 years and finally, finally we got ourselves some. TL, the nephew and I loaded up in the car early in the morning to head up to Burbank. Once we scoped out the area, and found out where we needed to park and go to be at our confirmed check in time, we then headed out for some lunch. There was only one place we could go while up in Burbank and that is the famous Bob's Big Boy. This is the "original" and has been there since the early 40's. We even opted to save time and sit at the old fashioned counter. We ordered up our Big Boy's (okay, so the diet was NOT in force that day...) admired all the Big Boy decor and had a great lunch.
Once we got to the studio in time for our check in, we then began the wait. Ohh, the wait. It's just like you hear all the celebrity's say about the tv and movie business, everything was like a big "hurry up and wait." So wait is what we did. For about 3 hours. It could have been a "boring" wait, but instead they had a little talent show of sorts, asking for volunteers from the audience to come up and perform their hidden talents. Oh, and you know MY hand went up immediately. Wait, you didn't know that I have a hidden talent? Yeah, I didn't eiether. But then when I was the first to be called on, I shot Christian a look of horror... "Oh shit, I didn't really think he'd call on me, now what am I going to do..?" Then it came to me... Of course I can perform that thing I do when I rattle off all the United States in Alphabetical Order. Yep, we'll just make that my "hidden talent" and to make it all "talenty" I'll claim that I can do it really really super duper fast. And, that's just what I did. Um, how embarrassing... But the 300 3000 people I performed it for, did clap for me afterwards. Also, Christian informed me afterwards, "At least you were better than the girl who Barked like a Dog." Thanks Christian. I guess.
Once we got into the actual studio the Party began. The music was loud and the dancing commenced. We had great seats, just off the right side in about the 4th row. I got placed right on the isle and that is when it hit me that Ellen herself was going to breeze right by me as she danced up the stairway directly after her opening monologue. I started to get that nervious excited feeling... We were just giddy from all the excitement in the room. And boom, the show began. Ellen came out and the roar of the crowd was defining... these people seriously love her and I was one of them, screaming my head off, so happy to see her in person. As the show progressed, it just seemed to FLY by... I remeber her dancing right by me, I remember Matthew Broderick coming out and saying the Mystery Word, which won us each a $100 gift certificate for some Clark shoes. (Thank you Matthew B) I remember seeing Tony, and Jillian Michaels who came out to teach Ellen some exercise moves that even looked hard for Ellen to do. (Man are those bitches ever T I N Y) And I remember Mary J. Blige coming out for a short interview and then a fantastic performance. Her singing voice IN PERSON blew me away, unbelievable. Then we got to sing her Happy Birthday... And then it was over. So sad. As we exited the studio, I took one last look behind me to take it all in. What a great time we had. We were handed our free MJB cd, our Clark's gift certificates and even a piece of MJB's Birthday cake (chocolate cherry with white icing) and were on our way.
(click to watch video...)
(click to watch video...)
The next day I couldn't wait to watch "our" episode on TV... It was fun to watch it knowing that we were "actually" there!! I couldn't wait to see if "we" got on tv. And to my horror we did. Now, most people would think I would be horrified to see myself on tv because it obviously adds lots of Lb's, but THAT was not my problem this time. This time what I noticed is that the camera caught a glimpse of us just as Ellen was sprinting up those stairs during the "dance" portion of her show. There we were, TL, the nephew and myself all swaying our hips, rocking back and forth, and clapping to the beat... well, TL and the nephew were clapping to the beat, I don't know what I was clapping to... See for yourelf.
Here is a breakdown of the act better known as "I've got NO rhythm, baby..."
Okay... so again with the whole MIA thing... I actually do have some posts from the past few months ready to go, but just need to finish tweaking a bit before posting and I can't let tonight's episode of American Idol air before I let you all know my thoughts on the current "kids."
I've been watching since it aired in January and have kept up pretty good with who I like and who I don't like. Without putting too much pressure on myself I'm gonna make this short and sweet.
I'm loving Ellen. Or now better known as just "E." I'm quite happy for the disappearance of one Paula Abdul and the appearance of E. Love her! (look for a post coming soon all about how I was just 2 feet away from her in person, but later realized why she didn't run over to me and ask me to be her new BFF.) Oh and, how dare she..?
Anyway, I'm quite happy that she's on the show now and so far, her comments how ever vague they usually all are, at least when she speaks I don't find myself rolling the eyes and letting out big bags of air of annoyance like I usually do when I hear them each critique the singers. When E speaks, I listen. And on a side note, when Simon speaks, I usually rewind at least 14 times so I can laugh my ass off. Some people are completely offended by him, I just think he says it like he sees it and his smart ass'ness, one liners and the way he drinks from that coke cup all have me slightly turned on. Okay, that's a lie, I'm completely turned on by it all. So that is enough about the judges, I'm in love with E and I'm in love with Simon.
On Tuesday night we got to see the Top 12 Girls try their hardest... Hmmm. My first thought after watching was, "Seriously..? This is the best 12 out of the hundreds of thousands that tried out..?" hmmm! But here goes, here are my top few who I see has some potential.
Crystal Bowersox... She's very much the cool coffeeshop type of folksy singer...(just my type) She's a bit too "Bohemian" for me, but let's just say that she does clean up nicely! (we'll discuss her teeth and dreadlocks on another day, because it's time to move on to my other picks)
Siobhan Magnus... I can sum this girl up in one word: Quirky Yep, just my type! Simon called her a "possible dark horse," but I'm just not sure if America will catch on or not, but I like her. Oh, and she likes to wear flat shoes just like me.
Lacey Brown... I love her look, and she's an underdog. I gotta root for the underdog, it's just who I am.
Didi Benami... I'd say out of all the girls, even though she isn't all that unique, I do love her voice the most. I hope she "spice's thing up" in the coming weeks or I can't see her sticking around.
Now for the boys I'm not quite as impressed with them... There are a few standouts that have caught my ear (and eye), but for the most part I can be found yawning and or fast-forwarding through most of their performances. As I said before, I just can't believe this is the Top 12 they came up with out of all the hundreds of thousands who auditioned. Here are my top few boys...
Andrew Garcia... He "blew" everyone away during Hollywood week when he did his own rendition of the Paula Abdul tune; Straight Up... and yes, I found it to be quite cool myself. I like his guitar playing and his voice, so I do find myself rooting for him. But, I'm not completely sold yet. I need to see a bit of a makeover and he definitely needs to wear collared shirts, as the neck tatoo sort of creeps me.
Alex Lambert... not to be confused with that "other" Lambert weirdo guy from last year. This is one cutie patootie from none other than Texas. Just a sweet, humble, mullet wearing shy boy. (just my type. M-minus the mullet) He's another underdog so I'm all about him.
Sigh... Introducing my new boyfriend; Lee. Lee DeWyze. Just look at him. So so cute. AND he can sing. He's all soulful and raspy, just my type! I'm sort of crushing on him just like I did years ago for my all time favorite; Elliot. ("I love you Elliott... call me!")
But, back to Lee... I'm a fan. All I know is, if he breaks out with a Dave Matthews tune, I'll be more than a fan. I'll be a Super fan. I might even have to make T-shirts.
"I love you Lee DeWyze... call me!
Up next week (depending on who stays and who goes tonight) I'll dish on who I don't like and you can trust that I'll let you know exactly why... Like, "Dye your damn hair you freaky grey haired 20 year old, you look like the walking dead. As in a dead person, no longer alive." Oh, and ick already with the pale face and grey hair.
I know, I know... I suck. I HAVE to make a bigger effort to get over here and post more often. I'm just in a phase of, "I'm sooo boooring" lately. It's true. I am. Boring, I mean. But, I've got some things cooking, so I promise even if I think I'm the only one who cares, I'll share it here. Because, hey it wouldn't be the first time I speak and nobody listens. That's for sure!
And in honor of my upcoming mammogram I give you this...