When I was 6 years old we moved from Arizona to California. During our time in Arizona we lived in a Townhouse. My dad was in the Air Force, but was taking a break while getting his Masters Degree at Arizona State, while my mom's job was to lay out at the pool every day and entertain all the neighbors. She formed a close knit group of friends during our 1 year there. These people really knew how to Par'tay. Well anyway, there was this girl named Patti who was a daughter of one of my mom's closest friends in the complex and she was drop dead gorgeous. Patti was about 18 or 19 years old, she was long legged and model thin. She had long thick brown hair, a golden tan for days and beautiful white teeth. And, she could sing. Boy, could she sing. My mom would have parties what seemed like every week and invite all her friends over and every time the night would end in having Patti get up and sing for all to enjoy. We had the Carol King Tapestry album at the time and over and over I would beg her to sing my personal favorite; "I Feel the Earth Move Under my Feet." And, she would always sing it (for me,) sometimes even more than once. I would just sit there looking up to her (from the floor and in awe...) wishing I could grow up to be just like her. Then we moved. That's just what you do when you're in a military family.
Once we got to California, and moved into our new house as I began to meet all the little neighborhood kids, and they would ask me my name I, without hesitation introduced myself as Patti. I had idolized her so much and took that opportunity to change my name since nobody knew me. Why not, right? It made perfect sense to me, I didn't like the name Jill, it wasn't hip, it wasn't cool, it wasn't who I wanted to be. I figured that by changing my name to Patti, I could be grown up, glamorous, tan and model thin all in one shot. Patti. Well, as the story goes, it didn't last long. The very first time one of those neighborhood kids came to the door and my mom answered, and they asked, "Can Patty come out and play..?" My mom's response went something a little like this, "Blink, blink, blink..?" (See,my mom's name was Patricia but she went by Pat, so you can see why she might be a little confused)
I remember running down the stairs yelling, "I'm here, I'm here..."and the look on all of their faces was that of confusion. The kids didn't know what to think, and my mom gave me that disapproving eyebrow as I ran past her and out the door to try and smooth it all over with my new Bff's. Later that night I can remember to this day, the lecture I got. "Blah, blah, blah... you're name is Jill, not Patti. You need to set the record straight, the kids are going to be confused, Jill is such a pretty name,("yeah, easy for you to say, you're not the one getting teased; "Jack and Jill went up the hill...") blah, blah, blah." Whatever, after that, I had to give up the dream, I kept the name Jill and lived on to be the weird girl of the block. (Not really, but it helps with my plight don-cha think?)
All of this brings me to my post for today...
I've been feeling like I want to adopt a dog for weeks now... I just know our household would benefit so much with that kind of love around. Plus, we have so much love to give as well, and what more does a rescued doggie need, but lots of love from two over sized adults?
The only kink to this idea of mine is, we don't really live in a place where a dog can thrive. Our little condo is not very big, and doesn't really have any "running around" room. Plus, with both of our work schedules, we're just not home enough for a rescued dog.
So for now, I wait. I wait for our upcoming move, and I wait for the perfect little dog to speak to me find me. And, boy have I felt like crying ever since Friday when I saw this girl. Meet Patty.She is SOOO my dog. I need her in my life. I need that big ole lump of love, gosh darn it. I mean, just look at her! She may not be glamorous, tan or thin, but I just feel like we were meant to be.
"Hi, I'm Patty and I like to snuggle..."
Now, go and check her out in video... Click here, then scroll on the side bar till you see Patty'sname, then click to view her segment. Just look at those big ole' limp paws.
I guess it just wasn't meant to be... Once again, me and Patty's timing is just off!!