I normally don't believe in reincarnation. But at this moment in time, I am really starting to wonder if in a former life I wasn't a Polynesian Hero who went by the name of Lapu Lapu.
(just take that in for a moment, will ya?)
I'm serious y'all... I think this because when my lips meet the brandy snifter and I'm
gulping sipping the famous Lapu Lapu drink while at the
Royal Hawaiian, it's as if I'm home. Or at least in my happy place. It's become my number one obsession for the summer of
Oh-eleven... Well, besides
Subway sandwiches, snarky
Jeff Lewis quotes and a certain 11 year old girl who called a crowd of 7 boys who were waving goodbye to her and her two sisters,
"Suckahhs," that is.
Here are some shots of this loverly new passion of mine and possibly the recipe. You see it's a highly guarded secret at the Royal Hawaiian, but a simple clickity click of the internets, I've pretty much surmised that this is possibly the closest thing to the real deal. I'll be making them this weekend, so I'll let you know.
Shaved Ice Full Glass
• 1 oz Simple Syrup
• 1 oz Orgeat Syrup (almond)
• 1 oz Passion Fruit Syrup
• 2 oz Light Rum
• 60% Pineapple 40% Orange Juice
• 1 oz Dark Rum to Float (Jamaican)
Shake all but the dark rum in a cocktail shaker.
Pour into a glass of ice.
Float the dark rum
I got all the supplies, and we made them this weekend. I have to tell ya, this recipe is VERY close to the real deal. Yummee. It might seem like there is a LOT of syrup going into these, but trust me, the RUM will cut right through it. We also found that if you add more than the suggested amount of the Dark Rum, it taste even more like the original.
The best trick I found out about during this whole process, is the CRUSHED ICE. I searched and searched where to purchase this, as this is seriously the key element to this drink that makes it authentic. I couldn't find anything online other than Ice Warehouse type places, and on a Saturday afternoon, that was the last place I wanted to be hunting down and driving to. So I thought of another idea, and on my first try I discovered a gold mine. I popped into an AM/PM and Ka-Poweeeee there it was in all it's glory. At the soda machine, they have both cubed ice and crushed ice pellets all for the taking. I thought I'd have to pay full price ($1.79 each cup) but when I got to the register, they only charged me .50 for each cup. So I ended up with 104oz of ice pellets and that was perfect! SCORE!!!
Try it, you'll like it. Trust me.