It, too is a repeater, but so one of my favorites. The guy AND the post!! All the way back, 6 years ago in what was my very first of countdowns...
39 years ago (or so) a star was born..!
Upon learning that I was doing a
"Countdown to Christmas" on just jill, TL insisted that he get in on the action somehow. I invited him to possibly do a guest entry if he'd like, or even write a Christmas Jingle to share (he's very good at rhyming jingles, anytime, anywhere, any subject), but after a few days of silence on his part, he finally came to me tonight with this picture in hand and said,
"Here, use this." After I wiped the tears from laughing so hard, I'm here to proudly present to you... TL, my little snow-guy.
I heart you so much!