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December 25, 2009



little brother "just cut the bangs a little"
beloved big brother "okay...."
*gets the scissors, cuts the bangs to the forehead, gasps, then tries to "even it out"*
little brother "OH. MY. GOD."
beloved big brother "oh, get over it. It's character building!"

that's more like it... hahahaha

and I bore Chelsea and I'm PISSED I didn't bring that sweater to New York with me!


Oh my gosh, Jill! Just another example of why we have beauty schools...what a good sport he was to let you take all those pics...On the plus side...I guess haircuts at home are better than tattos at home. One Chattanooga couple decided it would be a good idea to give there 4 kids tattos at home (ages ranging from 10-17) to bond them as a family. People are nuts...speaking of, hope Chardonnay doesn't wind up sending Daddy to the Nuthouse... ;-)


Hahaha! I love this post... your family is too cute!

I would also love your support on the ELLE DECOR window that I decorated for the Big Window Challenge this year. As we all know, AT doesn't make it easy, but you can vote TWICE a day. Once online & the other by texting "1" to 89800.

Your support means the world to me!!


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