Does anyone remember their most favorite gift they ever got as a kid..? I do. It was a doll by the name of Velvet. I remember wanting that doll so much. I'm positive that I whined, cried and even begged for that doll when I was about 6 years old. (And, don't even ask if that was the Christmas when my parents got so drunk at the Christmas Eve party that they passed out before putting out the gifts, and then the next morning I was heard by everyone within the state of Oklahoma to yell, "Hey Mama, guess what... Santa left all the presents in the Suitcase..!" Yeah, don't ask, because yes, it was that particular Christmas. It was also the same year my parent's won the Parent's of the Year Award.)
But back to Velvet... She was magical, or so I believed. Her silky white gold hair literally sprouted out of the top of her head. But, the magic trick was that you had to push in her belly button to make it do so. (No, it wasn't some freaky sex doll, this was for real!!) She had a belly button that you could push in all the while pulling her hair out of the top of her head. Just like the commercial says, "It grows and it goes from here to there.." This provided hours and hours of fun for me. All the combing, putting it in ponytails or braiding it into pigtails. Then when I got tired of it long, I could just crank the dial located on her back to make it "shrink" back into her head. Velvet was much more than a doll. She was a friend. Of course the attraction to this doll was the hair, and the fact that you could play with it, change it, make it however you wanted it on any particular day, was beyond a a 6 year old girl's dream. But, I think the second thing I loved most about Velvet was her Purple Velvet dress. I loved that dress, and secretly wanted one for my very own. (no longer a secret)
Here is a picture of me the day after I got my very own Velvet doll... Look how happy I look! I don't think there is anything in my entire life that has made me smile like that since.
Simply Velvet.
"I'm the luckiest girl in the whole wide world."
Even if Santa did forget to put her in my stocking.