Dear Mom,
I'll keep this brief... It's been 8 years and a few days since you left this world. I still miss you. I miss you so very much. I just wanted it to be known that as the years go on, I realize more and more how wonderful of a person you were. One of the most recent thoughts that came to mind was how you always supported me in my decisions. I was a wild card growing up and you always, always appreciated that about me, in fact you encouraged me to be so. Like, when I was 17 and wanted to move away to Oklahoma. You never said a word other than, "Well if that is what will make you happy..." When I was 21 and wanted to move back there again, you knew you were going to miss me, and feel a loss, but again all you said was, "Well if that is what will make you happy..." Then 1 year later when I wanted needed to move back home, you didn't even flinch, you just opened your door and your arms and were there to help me move forward in my life. That is just the way you were. Always upbeat, never judgemental. Always loving me, never not.
Mother's Day is always a hard time, but if I focus on the big picture, which is how lucky I am to have had you for my mom, then all is well. A pefect fit.
I love you more and more and miss you every day...
Love, jill
Lovely tribute, Jill.
Posted by: Steph | May 16, 2007 at 07:29 AM
i am sorry for your loss. your words are lovely and thanks for sharing.
Posted by: Terri | May 17, 2007 at 01:57 PM
That is a wonderful tribute and your mom will always be with you ...
Posted by: kim | June 09, 2007 at 11:43 PM