Remember when I was so spaced out the weeks before Christmas and I kept mentioning how I was
sewing up a storm, and how lucky my little niece was going to be when she opened up her present?
"Uhh, yeah." Well here is what I was working so hard on those last few nights, staying up till 1am each night to finish in time... (along with my Christmas Cards, Silk Gift Bags, and even a homemade Spider Man Cape for my nephew...)
Little Baby Doll Jammies... So flannel, so cozy!

Little Pink Pants, a Fur Vest with matching Fur Hat... (can you say CUTE?)
Well, I wish I could show you the wonderful reaction my niece had when she opened up her Gift Tube with these cute clothes wrapped inside. But I can't. She never got them. I thought I was sooo clever wrapping the outfits individually in tissue paper and then placing them in one of those Wine Gift Tubes and carrying that gift tube ON the airplane with me, since it didn't fit in any of our suitcases. I thought no big deal, I'll just carry the tube on the plane with me, that way it won't get lost.
WRONG... Don't you know that I left that tube on our first mode of transportation. That tube never even made it to the Security Check Point. I left it on the Shuttle Bus, the one that took us from the Remote Parking Lot to the Airport. But of course I didn't even realize I didn't have it until we landed in Long Beach; 1200 miles and 6 hours later.
I was just so exhausted, out of it, a goner by the day we left, that I didn't even notice that I didn't have it with me. The irony of course, is that I was all of those things; tired, out of it, etc.,
because I had stayed up so late each night sewing the damn things. Well, I hope the shuttle driver's grandaughter enjoyed them at least.
I could be seen later that night, Christmas Eve of all nights, scrambling at the Temecula Targe't buying a Store Bought gift.
(shudder...) Ugh! At least she
did get the Sleeping Bag I made... (but of course didn't get a picture of) and this...
A mini version of my Holiday Apron, that we each wore Christmas morning to make the breakfast. FUN!
One last look...

Click to see my added notes...