"Hey, wait for me..."
The joys of finding "the tree." This is a picture of my little neice Taylor running after the tree guy right after they hunted this tree down at a Tree Farm in California. I've never been lucky enough to go to an actual tree farm. When I was growing up, we did always have a live tree, but usually bought it at a Nursury or even worse, the grocery store. My mom did have a knack for decorating the most beautiful tree though, so it never really mattered where it came from. I can't decide if my favorite memory of getting the tree was the arguments we'd all get in over trying to get the lights juuust riiight or maybe it's the laughing fits we'd get in listening to "A Partidge Family Christmas Card" album while decorating the tree. It's the funniest damn album you'll ever hear. Either memory, I think getting the tree is one of the true highlights of the season. How about you, what is one of your favorite memories of the season?
Hi. I think I found your site's through Yvett's. Anyway my favorite memories are finding chestnuts and eating them. I still like eating them!
I was looking through older enteries and I too enjoy having a full calendar, judy bloom books, and looking at maps to all the places I want to visit.
Posted by: ani | December 06, 2004 at 07:43 AM