This is the "scene" we're leaving for him... I hope he finds it as cozy and wonderful as we do!!
Tonight is Santa's night, but tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of Jesus!!
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night..."
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This is the "scene" we're leaving for him... I hope he finds it as cozy and wonderful as we do!!
Tonight is Santa's night, but tomorrow we will celebrate the birth of Jesus!!
"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night..."
Posted at 07:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
I sure hope this...
doesn't interfere with this...
"Please Mr. Rumsfield, don't kill this nice man... Trust me, he's no threat!
He's just on his way over to my house..."
merry *orange +* merry...
Posted at 12:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
So... All pumped with the holiday spirit I will go to a few stores tomorrow to get last minute gifts for TL. He is going to be the lucky recipient of one of these or this... not sure yet. I know he will be thrilled because he hasn't asked for either of these items. It's just that I know him so well, I know he would love both of them. Because I am all knowing and smart like that.
I will also treat myself to a little haircut by my famous stylist, Bastien. Bastien's real name is Daniel, but he prefers to go by Bastien, so I call him Daniel. He's very southern and very gay, and he has the best stories of gay and southern things. I could cop a squat in his chair for hours.
My job ends next week on Wednesday and this makes me sad. I have been temping there for the last 3 months and I really feel like it's "my job." The lady I filled in for will be returning upon the New Year. I wish I could fight her for it, I could take her, I know it. (Is that wrong of me to want to beat up a 50 year old lady?) I have enjoyed my stay there and will miss all the nice people. I look forward to finding a job of my own though. I keep my hopes up high for a creative position with a non-profit to come my way. I know it's out there somewhere, just waiting for me... (waving frantically...) "Over here, little job of mine, I'm over here! Dammit! Get over here, you little bitch. Don't make me come over there and slap you silly... bitch!" Yeah, I need a job.
I got my plane ticket to El Paso and will head out on the 26th sans TL. He has to work that weekend and won't be able to go with me. I am sad, very sad about it all. But I am sure a few of these (mixed with a lot of this) will help with the intense pain I will feel while I'm gone... It will be a short trip there and back, but be a big treat to visit family.
And here's a little Fun Friday-licious thing I want to share...
Here is a list of 5 Secret Boyfriends I lust after... (TL knows, but I still like to think of them as secret, it's a little naughty that way... shhhhh!)
Because I would love to watch Baseball and drink Beer with you, you big "rocket-hunk-o-man..." (and NO, I don't like the Yankee's, but I still heart you, Roger...)
Because you are just so suave and I love the way you contemplate what you say before you say it. Also, I think I would be really good in one of your movies, especially the ones with lots of love scene's...
Because I just love the way you, Jon Gruden, yell and scream at your players... (gotta love all that passion, YUMMALICOUS-YUM YUM)
Because you makes me laugh like no other, you Sarcastic Goof-Ball... (oh and you did good with the name Harry...)
And last but not least... Because you loved your Jenny so very much, and if I could ever be loved like that one day, I would die happy! Run to me Forrest, run to me...
Now tell me your 5 Secret Boyfriends/Girlfriends... I won't tell!
merry *shhhh* merry...
Posted at 05:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
No interesting posts today, or for the last few days for that matter...
I am one moody bitch right now and don't feel like pretending to be fun and chipper. I am frustrated with stuff in my life. Which frustrates me. I don't like being frustrated, who does? "Oh, I will have the Large Frustration with a side of Give-Me-a-Break, please..." Yeah, like I ordered that up on Sunday night and I still got gas...
I don't like a certain situation TL and I have found ourselves in as far as his job goes. Don't get me wrong, I am very grateful he has a job, as there are so many people out there who don't. TL is a very hard worker and has been ever since I have known him. He has an impeccable work ethic and it's one of the reasons I truly respect him as a man. Someone like myself, (uhhh, the one without a permanent job) wouldn't hesitate to call in sick or manipulate a day off when something fun was coming up. But TL, he would never do that, he would always go to work and do the right thing. So I have to respect that and I do, I love him so much for that.
But right now it is hard to adjust to it spilling over into our newly married life. He is on a new job, and has worked so hard, in fact he's worked himself right into not 1 but 2 promotions since he started there just 8 months ago. Woo Hoo... But what comes with a promotion is the "having to prove yourself" stage. So all this whining on my part, is because he has been working approximately 15 hour days, 6 days a week for the last 8 months. Enough already... People can't live like this. One day off a week, is no way to live. One day off a week results in fights with your bride about; cleaning the house, doing the laundry, going to the gym, watching football, taking naps because you're so tired, calling your parents, your time, my time, our time... It is just too much to try and cram all of that into 24 very short, tiny, little, wee-bit hours. Enough already, oh did I say that? Enough already!
Now after re-reading this, clearly I am sounding very selfish and whiney and whaaaa, poor jill... AND that isn't really the way I wanted to come off, believe me. I have no problem being a wife, and all that that entails. I love to care take like the best of them. I don't mind doing laundry, I don't mind cleaning, and I especially don't mind ME time, all alone to be by me-self time, I actually enjoy these things. I have been on my own for years now and learned long ago to enjoy my own company and how to take care of all the "stuff" that needs to be taken care of. It isn't any of that.
What it is, is........ Balance! We got no balance. There has to be balance. If you don't have balance in your life, you got shit. Shit ain't good. Balance good. Just look at your checkbook, if you spend more than you have, you don't have any balance and the bank will write you mean letters and charge you all kinds of money (that you obviously don't have). You got shit. So don't spend more than you have because nobody likes dealing with their bank especially when you don't have any money.
Another good example would be a scale... If you eat too much you get fat and the scale soars way past the number 300 and then it probably breaks and you have to go and buy a new one, but they don't come with a number higher than that, so you've just got shit. You can't weigh yourself, which means you obviously have no balance. So don't eat too much, and don't break the scale and definitely don't write a check from your overdrawn checkbook to buy one with money you don't have.
In other words... TL and I have no balance... (don't send money, our checkbook is actually fine) He works too much, so it makes it very hard for us to have a normal life. We can't plan for things. We can't just get off work at 5:00pm and decide to go out to dinner, we can't stay home and cook and snuggle by the fireplace. We don't go to the movies, we don't visit with friends, and we don't go for walks, we don't get to do fun holiday things like go and buy a Christmas tree or go and visit family at Christmas time. We can't plan vacations, and if we do, it is just me going while he stays home and works. Oh and you should see the list of "things to do" on our Sunday's, his one day off. The list is so filled with stuff to do, it is nearly impossible for us to do it all. He really needs to have some time to "himself" and I try to be understanding of that. He needs to be able to go to the gym, get a haircut, watch Football or take a nap. But we also need some married couple time. We need to be able to go to Church together, go to a movie or out to lunch. I am just finding it very hard to "balance" all of this in on our Sunday's. (which really pisses me off, because Sunday is my mostest favoritest day of the week, and now it isn't doin' it much for me much here lately)
I know all about Timing... This is a stage, a point in time where we have to pay our dues. I know some people who have worked hard like this their whole lives and have just "lived with it." I understand all of this intellectually, but it sure doesn't make it any easier for me to handle today. Call me spoiled, call me a brat if you will... I am just trying to get through it all. I am confident TL and I will get through it, we always do. We have been thru quite a bit in the 12 years we have known each other, but this is new one for us. So if I seem pissy, I am... Like I said, I don't like to be frustrated. And for that matter... I don't like to be overdrawn or fat either.
merry *Feng NOT Shui* merry...
Posted at 04:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
Why on earth did I wait sooo long to see this...?
I loved it, simply loved it... I cried, laughed and then cried again... The music is fantastic, the casting is superb... Dang, this is now my favorite movie of the year. Call me typical, but I have always been a huge Hugh Grant fan. (Can we talk, The Remains of the Day, Sense and Sensibility, Four Weddings, and of course Bridget Jones' Diary?) And I have to say that my all time favorite HG flick is "About a Boy" It's probably on my All Time Top 10 Favorite Movies I have ever seen List... (which exceeds 10 by about 10)
But back to Love Actually... this movie is so much more than just an Hugh G. movie... So much more.... I would have to say that this was probably my favorite storyline
(Daniel & Sam, A chance taken...)
Then this... (Jamie & Aurelia, Love as a second language...)
Ohhh, but I also loved this...(Juliet & Mark, Secrets revealed...)
I will definitely be seeing it again... this is one of those films I could watch over and over. Please let me know if you see it and love it as much as I do.
Tomorrow's to do list...
Christmas Tree shopping
Decorating Party for 2 (this joint will look; all things Christmas by tomorrow night!)
Survivor 2 hour finale' (my prediction is Darrah/Lil = final 2... with Lil being ultimate Survivor)
Sounds like a grand day off to me...
merry actually merry...
Posted at 05:42 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Whoomps up~side yo' head, I said,
Whoomps upside yo head... hey, hey, hey... Whoomps...
Bye Bye Burton... Johnny Rotten, you're next!
Gosh darn to Hella-falootin, I heart Survivor... Everytime I think it stinks, it goes and gets all good again... FINALLY, (said shouting) the girls got their wits about them and got together to rid of them stinken boys. Geez louize, I thought it would never happen.
I have not been a fan of Sandra's all season long, but last night she did make me chuckle with her devious nature. For much of her time on the Pearl Islands, Sandra has ridden on the coat-tails of someone else. First it was Rupert, then it was Christa, and you watch, now it will be on Lil's backside that she will skate to the top 3. Sandra is a follower, not a leader! The one and only time she impressed me was when she ratted out Trish who was trying to out Rupert. She stayed loyal to Rupert and for that she earned some points from me. But since Rupert left, she has just fumbled her way to this top 4 position. She had an opportunity a few weeks back to get T, Darrah, herself and Christa to be the top 4, but she handed that over on a silver platter when she backstabbed T and voted her out. (AFTER getting T to agree to vote out Burton the same night... Man there was a lot of yelling and screaming at my TV that night!) I don't really belive she deserves to be where she is right now, but the alternative would be worse. Jon better be next!
Tonight's episode was classic... There was Johnny Rotten in his personal interview saying how stupid these women were for not coming up with a plan of their own to out the guys. Well the look on his face when they did was... I can't even come up with a word worthy for how elated it made me feel to see that look. When he said that the 3 ladies didn't even have 1 brain to share between the 3 of them... F'off Johnny Rotten, who doesn't have a brain now? Why don't you go home and live with your dead grandmother, oh wait, you can't because she isn't really dead, you f'n liar!
Oh, you think I am a little too into this show? Hello, where have you been, it is the bestest invention ever! Outwit, Outplay, Outlast... GENIUS!!!
Oh and in the news...
Did you hear about the guy who went into the Quick Stop to buy a Scratch Off Lottery Ticket only to get annoyed with the clerk for taking too long to wait on him, that he turned and stormed out after yelling and screaming at her causing a huge scene? Well, apparently after he left in such a huff, the clerk decided to buy herself that ticket so as not to have to put it back... Yep you guessed it... she scratched it and then sniffed it to the tune of $25,000.00
See people... It doesn't pay to be rude to the clerks, especially at Christmas time...
Note to self... Play by the rules, be kind to others and smile when you pass by a mirror!
merry *whoomp* merry...
Posted at 07:19 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
Being home for long periods of time (however nice it is to lounge) has brought on some boredom. Don't get me wrong I have kept myself pretty busy doing all things Christmas. I have been busily working on our cards, (ready to mail out tomorrow, woo) Christmas presents and I finally got all the decorations down and out so that TL and I can have a little decorating party for 2 on Sunday... won't he be so thrilled!
But during various breaks from cutting, glueing and sewing, I have found myself lurking for gifts for just jill. Selfish? Damn straight! These things are only things I dream to have Santa bring for me. They most likely won't come true, but why not dream, you gotta have a dream, Dr. King said so...
Here is just jill's dream...
One touch would sure make my life so much easier. Not to mention all I would save on batteries!
Having my name (jjill) on my wrist... how utterly cool is that?
Just because I'm worth it...
And since TL and I have decided to postpone our trip to New Orleans... I would much rather have two of these to this place...
I can hear people now saying... "Why in the world would she want to spend Christmas in the Armpit of America?" Let me tell you, EP is so much more than just an armpit. It has it's charms, beautiful scenery, great restaurants, cool little shops, fun things to do, the Sun Bowl, and quite possibly a few too many of these...
But most of all, it has my family!! Big T, retired and moved there a few years back. He has an awesome house up on a mountain with a view of the westside below. Ohhh, the sight of the sun going down over the hills of Mexico is so beautiful. My Aunt P and Uncle A live there also. They too have a quirky little house on the westside and are just the best Aunt and Uncle a girl could ask for. Talk about FUN! When I lived there back in the late 90's, they really took me in and showed me the in's and outs of the city. Aunt P and I shopped and went to movies, the three of us ate out at all the good restaurants, and Uncle A and I had too many late nights at Erin's bar. Gotta love Karaoke mixed with a little Shuffle Board... It was hard to leave EP to come to Dallas, but it sure makes going back for visits worth the trip.
During the holiday visits I get the pleasure of all the above mentioned, PLUS visits with my cousins too. The Fab 5 visit from West Point every year and that alone is worth the price of admission! Joey B is probably the smartest cool dude I've ever met... and he can karaoke better than any of us. When Joey B's in the house... we all stand at attention. (oh and I won't even tell you about the time when Uncle A rode the Stick-Pony while he and I sung back-up to Joey B's rendition of Margaritaville, you just had to be there) AmyLou is my mostest favoritist cousin of all... Her wit is even faster and wittier than mine. (not really, but I figured if she ever read this, she would want to know I said something nice about her) Seriously she is pretty damn funny and I love that we have grown close and have all kinds of personal jokes about the rest of the family. We have all the same things in common as far as entertainment goes (oh except that I don't do Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings) and she is a terrific mommy to their 3 daughters. These 3 girls are the kind of kids you see in the Airport and then stare because they're so darn cute. Oh and then when they open their mouths, you just can't believe how articulate and funny each one is. Love, Love the Fab 5! It's just always a good time in ole' EP and to get to share that with TL, it's all just too much... (I will not tear up, I will not tear up...)
So most of all, my dream for Christmas is that we'll get to go to EP, if even for just a few days... If we do end up getting to go, be rest assured AmyLou will think it's because her rendition of Subliminal Man worked me over and slapped me silly till I caved in and bought the tickets, when in fact I'm much to savvy for that. See, she has been subliminally inserting the words El and Paso into just about every conversation we've had for the last month. She said TL and I wouldn't have any fun in New Orleans and that ALL the FUN is going to be in EP. No kidding...
feliz feliz...
Posted at 01:00 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Darn... I was on such a roll too! I completely vegged out that I was going to be out of town all weekend (more later on my trip to OKC) and then when I got home I got hit upside the head with a cold. Hence the break in posts. Oh well, maybe next month! I sound much worse than I feel, but I did manage to convince myself and the people I work for that I needed a couple of days off to recoup from having no voice and a terrible cough. In my fantasy, I sound all sexy like with a raspy voice... Team L sqaushed that dream! "Hacking a lung is never sexy."
Some observations made while home sick today...
* Regis is still the man...
* Elisabeth got the job on The View, but what's with the hair? It's called conditioner... Hair, meet scissors...Please!
* No matter how bad you feel, watching a High Speed Chase on breaking news is still great entertainments!
* A lit fireplace while wearing jammies = **sigh**
* Not leaving the house for an entire day is not entirely a bad thing!
* Oprah is still the woman...
* How I still love the smell of freshly baked Gingerbread...
It wasn't entirely a bad day...
merry *hack* merry...
Posted at 10:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
I noticed I have somehow made a post each day this month so far... so I didn't want to break my streak. I have seen this on other's blogs... I didn't officially join, but think I will play along from afar!
The problem is, today I am not feeling so good. I think whatever made me feel bad a few weeks ago never really left my system, but was just hiding out somehwere. It is rearing it's ugly head. I sick. I tired. I cranky.
I have been busting my behind every night this week trying to get all my Christmas presents sewn, glued, wrapped etc. I've also been working on our Christmas cards... I do this to myself every year, I over-do-it. I have all these great ideas, and the ability to execute them, but I wait TOO long to get started!
I committed myself to drive to OKC this weekend to babysit my neice and nephew. I am actually very excited about it, since they live in California and I never get to see them. They are there visiting for a few weeks, I thought it would be a great idea to drive up and Play Aunt Jill for the weekend. And it is a great idea, I just wish I felt better. (whaaa...)
See? Nothing to say!
merry *sigh* merry...
Posted at 01:51 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
This whole blogging thing has turned into a little addiction of mine... It seems to have made me more aware of everthing going on not only my world, but the WHOLE world. My mind is like on ueber patrol for all things interesting... Watching, waiting, trying to figure out a way to put a spin on the most tid bits (read: lame)of information so I can run to my computer and type it up for all to read. (all 2 of you) Has this happened to anyone else? Is it just me? I just wish I was more clever and thought provoking, but alas I am just a simple minded girl with a pretty smile. A girl who gets the biggest pleasure out of the most mundane things. For instance... doing laundry. I love doing laundry. I love coordinating the whites and darks making sure to not ever mix them. Adding just the proper amount of liquid detergent and fabric softener so that all will get clean and soft. Then carefully placing the clean wet clothes into the dryer (after cleaning out the lint catcher thingy, every time) and putting 3, sometimes even 4 dryer sheets as to make sure the clothes come out oh so smelly goood! I don't even mind folding them, one piece at a time as I remove each item from the dryer. Ahhh... I wish I was home right now doing some laundry! hee
Gossip Patrol.... (for those Reality TV junkies, like me...)
Number One...
This morning on the radio they announced the new Bachelorette! It is going to be this girl. Apparently they have already filmed it and it will premier mid January. I am excited to hear this, but was sort of hoping it would be this girl. I felt like she got the bum deal of the whole thing. Kjo rocked! Well maybe next time, as we all know this show will probably never end...
Number Two...
I am over the top excited to hear about this lady being pregnant...
(fooled ya, didn't I? Gwyneth-Schmenyth) I heart Geena, and the fact that she is 48 and getting ready to have not 1 but 2 babies at the same time, blows my mind. I will keep her in my prayers for sure! I have always just liked her... her humor, style, height, she is all things classy to me! Not to even mention she's 48, did you hear me, 48? This just gives me hope that it won't be too late for Team L and I to create a bambino of our own. Way to go Geena!
Entertainment News...
Team L and I are going to see these guys on NEW YEARS EVE!! I just got permission to "go all out" and purchase the mucho-overpriced-o tickets-o. BUT, the evening will be a blast. The ticket price includes, Buffet Dinner, Monte Carlo Casino games, Concert and a Midnight toast.
merry merry...
Posted at 08:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Is it Chrismas yet? Well, you would think so by the looks of my checkbook...
It always seem that at this time of year, I get the bug to spend, spend, spend. Not only on others, but on ME too. My mom always said that this was wrong, so very wrong. It used to drive her crazy when she found out that I or anyone else in the family had gone off and purchased stuff for ourselves anywhere near the last quarter of the year. (Especially things like White Shirts, Magazines or Underwear, )
She used to "listen" all year long for clues so as to know exactly what to get each person. She enjoyed being clever, sneaky and smart like that. But then sure enough I would run out like on the 14th of December and buy myself an assortment of Books, Socks and New Underwear. Oh, man she used to get so mad... It took away all the impact of her giving us gifts just 11 days later. DUH...
Well, it is only the Third of the Month and I'm at it already... Here are my latest purchases... All new stuff just for me, me, me... (Don't fret, I'll refrain from showing you the new Undies...)
merry merry...
Posted at 06:31 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Why does seeing this and this make my whole day? I can't wait to get my Holiday Cards finished so I can RUSH on down to this place to buy some...
It's a good thing...
Posted at 09:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)